Have you seen the TV series - No Reservations. The guy who hosts that series is Anthony Bourdain. "No Reservations" is a travel show in which Bourdain moves around different cities/continents in search for an original culinary experience. What impresses me is that this guy is just not afraid. He is not prejudiced and is ready to try any food in the world given that it is adventures and authentic. You can see him killing a pig with a spear in Malaysia, consume a soup prepared from private parts of a mule in Indonesia, stand in icy cold water stream wearing just a thin robe in Japan, learning trapeze in New York City, getting twisted and turned all over in a traditional bathing house in Uzbekistan while savoring cuisines every where. Once he also got trapped in the middle east crisis while visiting Beirut, but they didn't stop and made an episode out of that as well. He has travelled across Europe, Russia, China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, North America, South America and Africa. Anyone who respects good food will accept that it can come from any part of the world. Good food, if prepared properly will taste good and it happens only occasionally that you don't appreciate a well prepared meal. I guess that's the philosophy behind the show.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Book Review: Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Upside Down Pineapple Cake
Monday, October 8, 2007
Book Review: The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan
I just completed reading a book called The Dragons of Eden by an eminent scientific writer Carl Sagan. I picked up this book randomly from a book store. I have read Carl Sagan before, Cosmos - the book which opens up windows to scientific thinking, mathematics and of course astronomy, was very exciting and i would say my first scientific novel. I have also seen the movie Contact, which is based on a book by the same name, and its good.
So Dragons of Eden also promised a lot. Many times i have had discussions with my friends on topics like the difference between creativity and the clockwork attitude, comparison of artificial intelligence (computers) with human brain, evolution of human beings, what are dreams, why do we need to sleep, reproduction and many others. All these topics deal with biology and the way we perceive things around us. You can come up with so many different hypothesis to explain the above mentioned questions. What Carl Sagan does in this book is that he comes up with various scientific experiments that have been conducted and based on these he has discussed various hypothesis. These experiments seem to fit right in and corroborate these hypothesis.
The book is well written and is easy to understand. The reader can ignore the technical terms and look at the underlying logic or may be understand some terms from the appendix given at the end of the book.
This book was written some time around 1975 and i was amazed by the level of knowledge that Carl Sagan was able to extract at that time. A lot of new experiments have been conducted after 1975, but still the content of this book is very refreshing and by no means out dated. Carl Sagan prophecies that in future the level of understanding of human brain will be much greater and hence can provide answers to some ethical questions facing mankind like the definition of death, the legal issues of abortion, understanding of various cultures - including extra terrestrial life forms and animals. He also discusses computer gaming (imagine in 1975) and the way it can help spread an interest in science.
The price of the book in India is Rs. 250 and the book is published by The Ballantine Publishing Group.
Recommendation: Don't miss it if you have scientific bend of mind - it may answer a lot of questions.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Cooking and Thermodynamics
Well the above law was cited to appear a little nerdy and later half of this blog will prove that when it comes to practicals my mother knows more about thermodynamics than me... and of course she cooks better.
Cooking is a great art but art is more subjective than objective. I say this because the complexities and factors involved in making tea or boiling an egg are far more than any thermodynamics experiment i have conducted. Don't ask me the complexity of making Mutton Rogan Josh. In this post i would like to give cooking a little objective look, so nerds like me can obtain the pleasure of live demostration of laws of thermodynamics and if they have any fears of cooking, they can extirpate them.
Cooking involves not just heating raw food, but also mixing of n number of substances like salt, water, meat, vegetables, spices, juices etc. Lets first take up heating and learn some basic thermodynamics. The outcome of zeroth law of thermodynamics can be that heat flows from a hotter to a cooler body, if they are brought in contact. This heat transfer will stop when temperatures of both bodies are in equilibrium. Heat Transfer can occur in 3 different ways - Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Out of these the most common way is Conduction, which involves two bodies (generally solid) coming in direct contact to transfer heat. Convection, which is made common by some Microwave ovens, involves transfer of heat through and with the help of fluids (air, liquid). Radiation, doesn't require any medium, this is the way used by Sun to heat up the earth.
Now let us look at the Fourier's law (nerdy for Law of Heat Conduction) which says that the rate of heat transfer through a body in contact with a heat source will depend on Heat Resistivity (good/bad conductor of heat), Surface Area of the body in contact with the heat source, temperature difference between the bodies and the thickness of the body.
So what does it mean in the cooking language -
- Heat Resistivity - Why does it take more time to cook mutton than to cook chicken, because the resistivity of mutton is less than that of chicken. A more direct example will be that of wood and metal. Metal has greater resistivity than wood. So wood will take much more time to heat up than metals. Next time you are cooking keep in mind the resistivity of your raw material.
- Surface Area in contact with Heat Source - The greater the area in contact the more the time it will take to transfer heat. So if you use a flat bottom utensil to heat, you know its going to take more time, but remember your food will be more evenly cooked. Thats why it is said that if you cut the meat/vegetable in proper shape, they will cook well. As the transfer of heat is even through them.
- Temperature Difference - Well this one is quite intuitive isn't it. But don't forget Newtons Law of Cooling (Newton seems to be everywhere from gravity to thermodynamics...i wonder if he was a good chef as well) - it says that the greater the temperature difference between two bodies the faster heat transfer will take place, so if the temperature difference was 30 degrees initially - Newton says that it is going to take lesser time to bring the temperature difference to 20 degrees than from 20 degrees to 10 degrees. It means if you took something out the refrigerator then it will not exactly take twice as much time to heat up...but it will take around 1.5 as much time or so.
- Thickness - Now when heat will exactly reach a point on your vegetable depends on how far is it from the heat source. The farther the distance the more time it is going to take.
Well as i said cooking is a great art and it involves not just heating but also mixing up so many other things, and doing them at the right time. The best way to train your mind to such a complex art it go out and explore and experiment. Science is good but taste is heavenly :)
Here is some Dilbert for you...trying to cook like an engineer :)